建筑管理公司招助理实习生 [招聘]
2/4/2020 3:45 pm
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建筑管理公司招助理/实习生 主要工作地点:Abington,MA(2020.2前在Milford,MA) 诚征条件: 1. AutoCAD读图/绘图 2. 中英文流利 3. 合法工作身份(接受学生CPT/OPT,可申请H1B) 4. 有驾照有车 5. 全职/兼职均可(倾向全职),可尽快入职 工作范围: 1. 辅助项目经理分析施工图纸,统计材料 2. 与承包商进行对接,沟通施工进度安排 3. 办公室管理事务,包括但不限于公司保险,车辆年检,材料采购,档案整理 有意者请发简历至 联系人:Emma Project Management Assistant Company Description:, Inc is a company that specialized in building renovation work. Currently we are working on a commercial building renovation the finishing stages, located in Milford, MA and will turn to another job in Abington, MA after February. We are looking for a project management assistant to join our team. Job Position: Project Management Assistant/Intern Location: Abington, MA (Main office, after February); Milford, MA (During February) Qualification: Proficient in using Office software such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint; Able to read construction/architectural drawings; Know how to use the basic functions of AutoCAD; Excellent written and oral communication skills, Chinese speaker preferred; Working authorization in US, CPT/OPT is acceptable for international students; Driver license and own car preferred; Full time or part time, full time preferred; Job skills expected: problem solving, team working, communication and negotiation, detail-oriented, fast learner Can start work as soon as possible. Duties: Assist project manager in reading construction/architectural drawings, making material lists, estimating costs; Communicate with contractors, arranging schedules, confirming scope of the work, etc.; Operating management, such as auto insurance renewal, archives management, material/office supplies purchase, etc.; Job Types: Full-time, Part-time, Internship Please send resume to Contact: Emma
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