大东煤气公司-减少煤气和电源的费用, 省钱就是赚钱!
5/10/2012 2:23 pm
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Make money by saving or Make money by energy saving Great Eastern Energy. has partnered with a brokerage house that has contracts with several natural gas and electric suppliers. The advantage to you is that we continuously shop these suppliers to keep your gas and electric rates as low as possible, every month. As an example, our customers are saving from 15% to 25%, and more on their utility bills every month by using our FREE service. Lower price, Single bill payment and Better service!! "大东煤气公司-最佳煤气和电力服务供应商,让你省心,放心,更省钱! “省钱20%!!!” 一样的服务,不一样的优惠价格! 我们为客户提供低廉的天然煤气和电力服务,每个月为您减少煤气和电力费用! 如果您是一位生意老板, 针对您的需要,大东煤气将会为您量身定做煤电消耗计划,最大努力地减少您的能耗支出. 由于天然煤气和电费的价格会根据市场而经常浮动.大东煤气公司提供两种不同的计划,分别是:浮动计划和固定计划. 我们建议您与我们公司的营销顾问商量之后,选择一种计划可以为您争取到更多的优惠和利益. / 联系方式: Yamei Yan (603)264-8742